dimanche 11 janvier 2015

JLG_Saner_24 by Hi-Fructose Magazine

(via Flickr http://flic.kr/p/qujZ7s) http://ift.tt/1yY4cUv

Martin Wittfooth_Shaman II by Hi-Fructose Magazine

(via Flickr http://flic.kr/p/qLJMQD) http://ift.tt/1yY4cE9

Clown 51. by ronny2006

Ink and pencil on paper.21x29cm.2011 (via Flickr http://flic.kr/p/bvKAbg) http://ift.tt/1AFPhfK

a new world by Rusted Revenant

a new world 14" x 17" ballpoint pen and acrylic ink on bristol board © Jen Woronow 2008 (via Flickr http://flic.kr/p/4pkqNt) http://ift.tt/1AFPgZk

REMINISCENCE by santarcangelo

Che il tempo ci racconti cosa siamo prima di abbracciare il piccolo meraviglioso mondo che saremo.. affinchè i cocci della vita restino insieme a sollevare il peso dell'anima. (via Flickr http://flic.kr/p/9wAtwr) http://ift.tt/1B6JSjt

by santiagoribeiro38

(via Flickr http://flic.kr/p/hxS4vs) http://ift.tt/1AFPgIP

Brocade by Amy Kollar Anderson

2008 : acrylic on canvas: 16" x 24" (via Flickr http://flic.kr/p/6iNasu) http://ift.tt/1C57OSv

Vendors at Sunset (1) by The Art of Stanwyck Cromwell

Oil on canvas 36" x 24" 2002 (via Flickr http://flic.kr/p/PynEm) http://ift.tt/1C57OSo

Untitled by Art-Visionary

Artist: Damian Michaels Title: Untitled Medium: Ink and Graphite on paper. Year: 2012 Size: 276 x 207 mm Signed front lower right corner within image. * Collection of the Self-Taught and Outsider Art Research Collection, Sydney University, Sydney, Australia (via Flickr http://flic.kr/p/cTi1xQ) http://ift.tt/1C57NxP